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Grade name Nomenclature according to
ISO 16396-1
Polyamide 6 (unreinforced)
UBE NYLON 1013B PA6, M1, S12-030 Standard viscosity
1013NW8 PA6, M1R, S12-030N Standard viscosity, fast cycle
1013NW9 PA6, M1HR, S12-030N Standard viscosity, heat stabilized, fast cycle
1013ASX24 PA6, M1, S12-030 Standard viscosity, Adhesion, Black color
1013IU50 PA6-I, M1H, S12-020 Standard viscosity, high impact, heat stabilized, black color
1018I PA6-I, M1, S18-010 Medium viscosity, high impact
1022B PA6, M1, S18-030 Medium viscosity
1030B PA6, M1, S27-030 High viscosity
NAP1400F PA6, M1, S14-020 Low water absorption, low density
Polyamide 6 (reinforced)
UBE NYLON 1015GC3 PA6, GF15, M1, S14-060 Reinforced with glass fiber 15%, natural color
1015GC6 PA6, GF30, M1, S14-100 Reinforced with glass fiber 30%, natural color
1015GC9 PA6, GF45, M1, S14-140 Reinforced with glass fiber 45%, natural color
1015GNK PA6, GF30, M1H, S14-100 Reinforced with glass fiber 30%, black color, heat stabilized
1015GNKF PA6, GF30, M1H, S14-100 Reinforced with glass fiber 30%, black color, high flow, heat stabilized
1015RXN PA6, M1, S14-080N Reinforced with mineral fillers 35%, good surface finish
1013R550A PA6, M1, S12-060N Reinforced with mineral fillers 25%, good surface finish, black color
1015GU950 PA6, GF45, M1H, S14-160 Reinforced with glass fiber 45%, heat stabilized, black color
1015GU9L PA6, GF45, M1H, S14-160 Reinforced with glass fiber 45%, heat stabilized, high flow, black color
1015GX78V PA6, GF33, M1HL, S14-100 Reinforced with glass fiber 33%, heat and UV stabilized, black color
Polyamide 12 (unreinforced)
UBESTA 3014U PA12, XH, C12-010 Low viscosity, heat stabilized
3024U PA12, XH, C18-010 Medium viscosity, heat stabilized
3024NUX PA12, M1HR, C18-020N Medium viscosity, heat stabilized, fast cycle
Polyamide 12 (reinforced)
UBESTA 3020GX6 PA12, GF13 M1HR, C16-090 Reinforced with fiber, electro conductive, black color
3024GC6 PA12, GF30 M1H, C18-070 Reinforced with glass fiber 30%
3024GU6L1 PA12, GF30 M1HR, C18-060 Reinforced with glass fiber 30%, heat stabilized, black color