About UBE

UBE is a manufacturer that produces chemical products and molding machinery.In particular, its chemical business spans from basic chemical products to advanced high-performance materials. It was founded in 1897 (Meiji 30) in Ube City, Yamaguchi Prefecture. Today, the company delivers products and services from its factories and offices both in Ube City and around the world.

  • Company Information
  • History of UBE
  • UBE's Work
  • Global Expansion/Sales Ratio
  • Future Prospects of UBE


Company Info

UBE's products are widely utilized in a range of fields, from everyday items such as automotive parts, digital home appliances, pharmaceuticals, and household goods, to social infrastructure development, including infrastructure structures and buildings.

Annual Paid Leave Utilization Rate 88% Fiscal Year 2023, single Annual Paid Leave Utilization Rate 88% Fiscal Year 2023, single

Male Parental Leave Acquisition Rate 107% Fiscal Year 2023, single Male Parental Leave Acquisition Rate 107% Fiscal Year 2023, single

Parental Leave Reinstatement Rate (for both men and women) 100% Fiscal Year 2023, single Parental Leave Reinstatement Rate (for both men and women) 100% Fiscal Year 2023, single

Ratio of Female New Hires in General Positions. 39% Fiscal Year 2023, single Ratio of Female New Hires in General Positions. 39% Fiscal Year 2023, single

Turnover Rate 1.4% Fiscal Year 2023, single Turnover Rate 1.4% Fiscal Year 2023, single

Initiatives for the Global Environment UBE Group GHG Emission Reduction Target Compared to Fiscal Year 2013 -50% Fiscal Year 2030 Initiatives for the Global Environment UBE Group GHG Emission Reduction Target Compared to Fiscal Year 2013 -50% Fiscal Year 2030

Sales Ratio of Environmental  Contribution Products  and Technologies 47% Fiscal Year 2023 Sales Ratio of Environmental  Contribution Products  and Technologies 47% Fiscal Year 2023


History of UBE

The UBE Group has continuously marked a history of transformation, adapting to changes in the times and industrial structure.

1897 Anonymous Partnership Okino-Yama Coal Mine 1914 Anonymous Partnership Ube Shinkawa Ironworks 1923 Ube Cement Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 1933 Ube Nitrogen Industry Co., Ltd. 1942 Joint Ventures Ube Industries, Ltd. Established Chemical Business Machinery Business Ube Industries Machinery Co., Ltd. Group Cement-Related Business 2022 Renamed to New UBE UBE/UBECoporation UBE Mitsubishi Chemical Business Machinery Business UBE Machinery Group Co., Ltd. Cement-Related Business+Mitsubishi Materials Corporation セメント関連事業 Cement Corporation Mitsubishi Cement Corporation Cement-Related Business 50% Equity-Method Affiliate


UBE's Work

We handle a wide range of products, with a focus on the chemical business.

Sales 4,682billion yen Fiscal Year 2023  Functional Products 17% Resins & Chemicals 44% Machinery 26% Others 13% Operating Profit 225billion yen Fiscal Year 2023 Functional Products 44% Resins & Chemicals 17% Machinery 26% Others 13% Sales 4,682billion yen Fiscal Year 2023  Functional Products 17% Resins & Chemicals 44% Machinery 26% Others 13% Operating Profit 225billion yen Fiscal Year 2023 Functional Products 44% Resins & Chemicals 17% Machinery 26% Others 13%

  • Functional Products

    • ・Functional Products
    • ・Separation Membranes
    • ・Ceramics (Silicon Nitride)
    • ・Separators
  • Machinery

    • ・Molding Machines
    • ・Industrial Machinery
  • Resins & Chemicals

    • ・Composites
    • ・Nylon Polymers
    • ・Caprolactam & Ammonium Sulfate
    • ・Industrial Chemicals
    • ・C1 Chemicals / High-Performance Coatings
    • ・Elastomers (Synthetic Rubber)
  • Others

    • ・Pharmaceuticals
    • ・Electric Power (Self-Generation)

List of Products

  • Digitalization of Society

    World's Top Market Share

    Polyimide Film

    COF Applications for LCD Displays

  • Contribution to Environment and Energy

    Track Record of Over 200 Plants Globally

    Separation Membranes

    CO2 Separation Membranes for Biomethane Production

  • Electrification of Automobiles

    Top Manufacturer in High-End Fields

    Ceramics (Silicon Nitride)

    For Bearings Used in Electric Vehicle Motors
    For Heat Dissipation Circuit Boards in Inverters

    The only domestic manufacturer

    DMC (Dimethyl Carbonate)

    Electrolyte Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries
    Main Material for Semiconductor Photoresist Developer

  • Supporting People's Lives

    World's Top Market Share

    PCD (Polycarbonate Diol)

    Raw Material for High-Grade Urethane Resins (such as Synthetic Leather)

  • Supporting People's Lives

    Jointly Developed Pharmaceuticals with Pharmaceutical Companies: Four Drugs Launched

    Drug Discovery Research and CDMO (Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization for Pharmaceuticals)


Global Expansion/Sales Ratio

The UBE Group has established major manufacturing bases, including a cluster of factories in Ube City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, as well as in Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture, and Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture. Internationally, the company has key production sites in Spain and Thailand, with additional sales offices across the world, including China and the United States, delivering high-quality products and services globally.

Overseas sales ratio 52% Other(U.S.A., etc.) Asia(Thailand, etc.) Europe(Spain, etc.) Overseas sales ratio 52% Other(U.S.A., etc.) Asia(Thailand, etc.) Europe(Spain, etc.)



Future Prospects of UBE

With a spirit of exploration and innovation in technology, we create value that leads to the future and contribute to the development of society.

Operating Profit Target270billion yen The global environment and human health, and a prosperous society of the future to contribute to the global environment, human health We aim to be a corporate group that contributes to the global environment, people's health, and a prosperous future society. 2024 2030 270billion yen Operating Profit Target270billion yen The global environment and human health, and a prosperous society of the future to contribute to the global environment, human health We aim to be a corporate group that contributes to the global environment, people's health, and a prosperous future society. 2024 2030 270billion yen