Social Creating a Comfortable Workplace

Management System

Human Capital Management Operation System
Human Capital Management Operation System

Targets and Performance

1. Labor Union Relations

The UBE Group respects the basic rights of workers, including the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.

At UBE, we have concluded an agreement with the UBE Labor Union that encompasses worker rights. Management engages in negotiations and regular discussions with labor representatives to improve living standards and working conditions for union members and provide comfortable work environments. We endeavor to maintain and enhance healthy relationships between management and labor by having senior executives participate in conference sessions with labor to exchange and honestly discuss views about the Company’s issues and direction and share management policies and plans with union members while reflecting their feedback in management.


  • Central Labor-Management Conference
  • Administrative Negotiations

2. Office and Plant Tours for Families

UBE Group companies give office and plant tours to the families of employees, so that they can see where their family member works and the conditions they regularly work under as well as the way they spend their time. This initiative is aimed at facilitating communication within families and increasing employee motivation.