Social Process Safety and Disaster Prevention

Policy and Basic Mindset

Basic Approach to Process Safety and Disaster Prevention Initiatives

The UBE Group strives to continue avoiding process accidents by developing worksite frameworks that prevent accidents and, to this end, ensures the thorough identification of risks and systematic implementation of far-reaching measures to counter those identified risks.

Management System

We promote process safety and disaster prevention activities under the Environment and Safety Promotion System as part of our responsible care activities.

Structure of Environment and Safety-Related Meetings
Structure of Environment and Safety-Related Meetings

Targets and Performance

We endeavor to eliminate process accidents across the UBE Group through initiatives that ensure our facilities are safe and secure. We also undertake activities to minimize damage in the event of major natural disasters. In fiscal 2023, we focused on zero equipment accidents, zero environmental accidents, improving safety at high-pressure gas sites, and implementing natural disaster measures.

Zero Equipment Accidents

Through the Accident Information Liaison Committee, accident information is shared and each business site implements horizontal development to prevent similar accidents from happening again. We are also working to strengthen equipment maintenance and management through the Safety Management Liaison Committee. These endeavors involve the sharing of case studies, as well as the horizontal rollout of best practices identified via Group Special Safety Activities (which are informed by improvement plans formulated to address issues at business sites that the UBE Group considers as requiring special safety management guidance) in addition to supporting transition to a smart factory.

Zero Environmental Accidents

We constantly push ahead with the identification of environmental risks while promoting measures to mitigate such risks.

In fiscal 2023, we recorded 10 incidents. We have determined the root causes of each case and implemented measures to prevent recurrences.

  • UBE Group Facility-Related Accident
    UBE Group Facility-Related Accident
  • Occupational Safety, Health, and Disaster Prevention Expenditures of the UBE Group
    Occupational Safety, Health, and Disaster Prevention Expenditures of the UBE Group


Enhancing Process Safety Capabilities at Certified High-Pressure Gas Facilities

For certified high-pressure gas sites, we set up an improvement agenda in line with assessment findings from the Japan Industrial Safety Competency Center and engage in systematic improvement initiatives.

Implementing Natural Disaster Measures

We push ahead with measures to address natural disasters by having each business site conduct self-assessments in line with self-assessment criteria for such measures, and pursue ongoing improvements.