Social Product Liability (Management of Chemical Substances)

Policy and Basic Mindset

The UBE Group complies with the Chemical Substance Control Laws and Regulations of countries worldwide, including Japan. We ensure rigorous chemical management throughout distribution systems and proactively disclose safety information about our chemical products. Across these efforts, chemical management at UBE corporation takes into account health, safety, and the environment.

Management System

We have established a management system to ensure that all departments involved in our business operations control chemical substances appropriately. In Japan, we strive to step up both human resource education as well as ICT utilization in order to robust our mechanisms designed to prevent violations of the Chemical Substances Control Law (CSCL), Industrial Safety and Health Act, and other laws and regulations. For China, Taiwan, South Korea, Europe and the United States, which are our key overseas markets, we work closely with local subsidiary to ensure compliance with revisions to the laws and regulations of each country or region. Moreover, we intend to restructure the management systems in place at each of our locations in the United States over the course of fiscal 2024 to facilitate further business expansion.

UBE Group’s Product Liability and Chemical Substance Management System
UBE Group’s Product Liability and Chemical Substance Management System

Targets and Performance

Target: Zero case of administrative instruction given or measures taken in connection with violations of chemical substance control laws and regulations

Scope: UBE Corporation

Fiscal 2023 results: 0 cases

Fiscal 2023 level of achievement: Met target

Fiscal 2023 target: 0 cases


Complying with Chemical Substance Control Laws and Regulations

Product Liability is a part of quality, and we work to manage it in line with our quality management system. We use our Safety Data Sheet (SDS)*1 production support system, as well as the UBE-CHemical Regulation Information Platform (U-CHRIP), a comprehensive database developed by UBE for managing information about chemical substances, and other ICT tools to manage hazard information*2 on substances we use and our compliance status with regard to regulated substances that we handle. In this way, we ensure strict compliance with laws and regulations. We annually update and enhance U-CHRIP based on our assessments of system-related issues and shortfalls in its functions as we strive to align the platform with the latest chemical substance control laws and regulations in each country.

  • *1Safety Data Sheet (SDS): A document that describes the hazard and toxicity information of the chemical substances contained in a product when a manufacturer provides a chemical substance or products containing chemical substances.
  • *2Hazard information: Information regarding the potential dangers of a chemical substance.
Product Liability Initiatives
Product Safety Initiatives
U-CHRIP: UBE-CHemical Regulation Information Platform

Supply Chain Communication

UBE provides local-language versions of SDSs and product labels for all products, complying with regulations in each country or region to ensure the safe use of chemical products throughout their life cycles. We make SDSs for key products available for download from our website. We also identify hazardous chemical substances in our products and inform customers.

Supporting Long-Term Technological Research on Chemical Product Risk Assessment

The Japan Chemical Industry Association (JCIA) launched the Long-range Research Initiative (LRI),* a research subsidy project that is part of a voluntary undertaking being initiated globally by the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA). As a JCIA member, UBE began investing in this project in fiscal 2011 in order to support long-term research regarding the impact of chemical substances on human health and the environment.

  • *An international initiative aimed at providing long-term support to research activities focused on determining the impact of chemical substances on human health and the environment. In Japan, this project is promoted by the JCIA.


SDSs are necessary and important documents for the proper communication of hazard information on chemical products through the supply chain. UBE considers SDSs to be an integral part of its products and, regardless of the product-specific hazards, prepares and provides SDSs to customers. You can download the SDSs that you need by registering as a user on the UBE Chemical Information new window website.

Product Liability Education

Enhancing employee understanding of importance of Product Liability, is essential to the robust management of chemical substances and toward ensuring the safety of our products throughout their life cycles. UBE provides key personnel responsible for Product Liability and chemical management with necessary education, beginning with baseline knowledge. Moreover, employees who will be transferred to overseas locations receive briefings prior to their assignment on chemical substance management laws and regulations enforced in their destination countries.