Sustainability Management Relationships with Stakeholders

The UBE Group recognizes that opportunities for stakeholder engagement are important for the Group to coexist with society, and actively pursues the following five initiatives.

Stakeholders UBE Group’s Mission Means/Opportunities of Engagement
Customers Provide safe, high-quality products and services that are useful to society at fair prices and swiftly respond to customer needs Communication through sales activities and information disclosure through various means (including the UBE Group website and product catalogs)
Suppliers Engage in fair, honest transactions Communication through purchasing activities
Employees Provide fair pay and stable employment, develop human resources, properly manage work hours, and support work-life balance initiatives Corporate briefings, Central Labor-Management Conference, training, reporting and counseling systems, internal publications, and the Company’s intranet
Local communities and governments Provide stable and fair employment, pay taxes appropriately, and engage in dialogue with local communities and society Regional dialogue meetings, Tsubasa community gazette, charity concerts, industry-academia collaboration projects
Shareholders and investors Continuously raise corporate value; provide timely, appropriate information disclosure; and maintain shareholder returns through stable, appropriate dividends and stock buybacks IR activities (results briefings, investor briefings, facility tours, etc.), General Meeting of Shareholders, and information disclosure through various means (the UBE Group website, Integrated Report, and UBE Business Report)

Responsible Care Regional Dialogue Meetings

UBE’s chemical plants are regional members of the Responsible Care Committee of the Japan Chemical Industry Association (JCIA), specifically in the Western Yamaguchi, Sakai/Senboku, and Chiba regions. JCIA member companies conduct biennial regional dialogue meetings in each region to inform community residents about their Responsible Care initiatives, which encompass environmental conservation, process safety and disaster prevention, and occupational safety.

Because UBE’s production base is located in Ube City and since the dialogue meetings provide valuable interaction with regional industry, government, academia, and residents, the Company hosts an Ube regional dialogue meeting every other year in the absence of a Western Yamaguchi regional dialogue meeting, as an annual initiative.

UBE and its Group companies will continue to practice Responsible Care emphasizing dialogue with community residents, in order to coexist with and advance communities as well as for corporate growth.