Environmental 3. Contributing to the Conservation and Restoration of the Natural Environment (Nature Positive)


We will identify the impacts and dependencies of our business activities on nature, identify risks and opportunities, and contribute to the conservation and restoration of the natural environment and the sustainable use of ecosystem services. We also provide products, technologies, and services that help realize nature positive outcomes.

Targets and Business Plan

  • Water sources: We analyze water stress trends based on the water conditions (context) and water supply and demand scenario at each site. At sites where water stress is expected to rise, we will reduce water withdrawal and improve water recycling rates by formulating water use strategies and monitoring KPIs.
  • Environmental impacts of our operations, including from air, water, and soil pollution: We monitor and reduce pollutant emissions to eliminate environmental incidents.
  • Engagement: We will work with the supply chain (environmental impact assessment), employees (education), customers (provision of environmentally friendly products and technologies), investors (provision of information and exchange of opinions), and local communities (environmental improvement activities). We will verify adverse effects (trade-offs) on the natural environment and minimize negative impacts.


A lot of the products, services, and energy supporting our lives are the fruits of nature. Protecting the environment, restoring nature, and preserving ecosystem services will help safeguard our living environment and livelihoods. Nature conservation and restoration can reduce weather related disasters while protecting cultures and traditions, landscapes, and our diets.


To address the conservation of nature (biodiversity) and water resources, we conduct risk analyses for offices and facilities.

  • *Materials on the UBE Group’s basic mindset and the status of activities related to contributing to the conservation and restoration of the natural environment (nature positive)

Fiscal 2023 Initiatives

Recognizing the Importance of Water Resources

Water, the procurement of which is dependent on nature, is used in a variety of ways within the chemical industry, such as in heating media (refrigeration, steam), solvents and cleaning. Water resources are therefore important to the UBE Group.

Based on information obtained using World Resources Institute’s Aqueduct tools for evaluating water risk around the world, we assessed and classified water risk at important business locations, and were able to confirm that none of our locations are excessively dependent on water resources deemed to be of high risk.

To prepare for the possibility of increased water stress after 2030 at our locations in Thailand and Spain, we have set target rates for reducing the amount of water used per unit of production and for water recycling, and we are proceeding with various approaches accordingly.

Water Risk Assessment Results

Information obtained using Aqueduct and other tools supplements data gained from on-site locations has enabled us to classify water risk at major business locations into the five rankings shown below.

No water was taken from high-risk fresh water sources.

Risk Level Percentage of Total Water Intake Volume Location Main Cause of Risk
High 0% N/A
Medium-High 0% N/A
Medium 3% Important locations in Thailand, etc. Tight supply and demand of water, drought
Medium-Low 1% Important locations in Spain Flooding
96% Important locations in Japan
Low 3% N/A

Moreover, because water stress will tend to rise after 2030 at important locations in Thailand and Spain, we are proceeding with responses targeted by the following KPIs.

Location KPI
Important locations in Thailand Reduce the percentage of water used per unit of production (compared to fiscal 2021) Fiscal 2024 5% decrease Fiscal 2023 results 44.5% increase*
Water recycling rate Fiscal 2024 26% Fiscal 2023 results 27.7%
Important locations in Spain Reduce the percentage of water used per unit of production (compared to fiscal 2022) Fiscal 2030 10% decrease Fiscal 2023 results 4.0% decrease
Water recycling rate Fiscal 2030 10% Fiscal 2023 results 0%

Initiatives Related to the UBE Group’s WASH Measures

We are proceeding with WASH (Water Access, Sanitary and Hygiene) measures related to SDG Goal 6; ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. WASH measures are aimed at providing everyone in the world with access to safe drinking water, handwashing water, and such hygienic equipment as modern toilets.

In the UBE Group, we outfit our locations with WASH environments, and our offices and facilities are setting goals to address employee health and establish a healthy working environment.

  • Setting WASH targets (safe water for drinking, handwashing and hygienic equipment such as modern toilets) at all locations
  • Enacting water-saving measures such as installing sensors on faucets at handwashing stations (Sakai Factory)
  • Renewing water supply equipment and being thorough in wastewater management (UBE Machinery Group)
  • Permanent mineral water server (Head Office)

Among the eight targets included in SDG 6, UBE Group is able to contribute to the realization of targets 6.3*1 and 6.4,*2 and we are proceeding with such responses through legal compliance and setting goals.

  • *1SDG target 6.3: By 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of untreated wastewater and substantially increasing recycling and safe reuse globally.
  • *2SDG target 6.4: By 2030, substantially increase water-use efficiency across all sectors and ensure sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater to address water scarcity and substantially reduce the number of people suffering from water scarcity.

Verifying Proximity to Key Biodiversity Conservation Areas

Based on the Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT) and information from important business locations, we verify the proximity of each site to nature conservation areas and key biodiversity conservation areas in addition to always determining the potential of impacting such areas and the severity of said impact.

  • No locations border Ramsar Sites.
  • The areas in Ube District that are adjacent to sea level have been designated protected areas corresponding to Management Category VI by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
  • Fishing rights have been established for the areas in Ube District adjacent to seas in accordance with national regulations.
  • The Koto River Estuary, which is adjacent to the Fujimagari District in Ube, is one of the 500 wetlands in Japan determined to be of high importance with regard to biodiversity by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment and is designated No. 400: Koto River, Ariho River and Asa River Estuary (salt marsh, river, tidal flats, and brackish water). This makes it a Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) where conservation is vital (Suonada Sea, Kotogawa Estuary). The Ministry of the Environment also states that the Koto River Estuary’s tidal flats comprise an “Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Area” (EBSA). We do not directly release pollutants in this or other marine areas.

Other Fiscal 2023 Initiatives

Marine Plastic Waste

  • Undertook joint cleanups with neighboring companies (Sakai Factory)
  • Discussed the closed loop recycling of plastic bottle caps (UBE Machinery Group)
  • Participated in year-end street cleanup that an Ube City volunteer group organizes (Ube Chemical Factory)
  • Patrolled waste storage sites every quarter (Ube Chemical Factory)
  • Promoted plastic recycling (Ube Chemical Factory)

Biodiversity Conservation

  • Took part in forestation initiatives (Sakai Factory)
  • Conducted environmental seminars within the factory (Sakai Factory)
  • Participated in the city of Mine’s Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Office’s forestation initiatives to protect water (Ube Chemical Factory)
  • Helped exterminate Argentine ants (an invasive species) by contributing to administrative reports and exterminated nests to prevent infestations from spreading beyond business sites (Ube Chemical Factory)
Employees participated in the 16th Forest Creation Experiential Activity for Water Conservation

Internal Carbon Pricing

The UBE Group sets internal carbon pricing as a guideline for evaluating carbon prices in capital investment.

Objectives 1. Raise awareness of the importance of CO2 measures
2. Promote investments to reduce CO2 through such measures as energy conservation and fuel conversion
Start date April 1, 2010
Targeted greenhouse gas Energy-related CO2
Listed items Increase/decrease in CO2, economic indices when CO2 is taken into account
(CO2 increase/decrease of 1,000t-CO2 or more per year)
Materials and text covered 1. Descriptions of facility plans to be discussed by Strategic Management Meeting members
2. Written requests for approval (at time of execution)
Carbon price 15,000 yen/t-CO2 (~FY2024)
However, notifications will be issued as needed in the event of significant changes brought about by regulatory trends, etc. Carbon pricing is subject to change.